List of projects

Start/end Description of project Budget Duration

India: Protection and enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

The first phase of the Strategic Sector Cooperation (2021-2023) covers four main pillars: Exchange of best practices and mutual capacity building in patents, trademarks and industrial designs, training of staff and stakeholders, awareness raising (e.g. within IPR enforcement) and outreach activities as well as commercialization of IP. DKPTO cooperates with the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Department for Promotion for Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) and the Indian IP Office, which holds the official name Office of Controller General of Patents, Design and Trademark (CGPDTM).

Danish Foreign Ministry, Danida – Strategic Sector Cooperation


1,2 mio €

 36 months

Brazil/Argentina: Strengthening innovation in public sector by enhancing focus on institutional IP capacities

This second phase of the Strategic Sector Cooperation on Innovation and Digitalisation has a particular focus on capacity building and optimisation in the area of intellectual property rights at the Brazilian IP-office INPI, as well as innovative cooperation across the Brazil governmental sector on public digitalisation. A pilot project working with the Argentine IP-office INPI is also included.

Danish Foreign Ministry, Danida – Strategic Sector Cooperation

1,2 mio €

 36 months

Egypt: Supporting and Upgrading the Institutional, technical, and raising awareness capabilities of the Egyptian Patent Office (EGYPO)

The project will contribute to the improvement of the Egyptian economy and enhanced scientific research through better use of the patent system and it reflects the obligations of Egypt arising from the EU-Egypt Association Agreement referring to the protection of Property Rights, promoting scientific research, introduction of e-society and promotion of dialogue between governmental bodies, and business and academic institutions.

EC funded, Twinning Programme

1,2 mio €

 24 months

Serbia: Protection and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Serbia

The Overall Objective is to support the Republic of Serbia in aligning the standard of protection and enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights with EU Best Practice in order to effectively conduct accession negotiations and successfully manage overall EU integration and pre-accession assistance.

EC funded, Twinning Programme

1,5 mio €

 27 months

Iran: Strengthening registration and protection of intellectual property rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran

The project was implemented between 2017 and 2020. In total, more than fifty Danish delegations conducted capacity-developing activities in Iran with a main focus on improving quality in patent examination, introducing a quality management system in beneficiary institutions, providing advice for legal alignment with TRIPS of Iranian IPR legislation, and starting a model for customer service and public awareness-raising on IPR by Iranian institutions. The project mainly focused on industrial rights but also provided resources to the Iranian Ministry of Culture to share experiences with European standards for collective management of copyright and related rights.

Danish Foreign Ministry, Danida – Strategic Sector Cooperation

600.000 € 

 36 months

North Macedonia: Strengthening the enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights

The overall project objective is to increase the effectiveness of the country's preparation for EU accession and to ensure greater efficiency and impact of EU programmes in the country.

EC funded, Twinning Programme

1,4 mio. €

 18 months

Turkey: Strengthening the Turkish Copyright System with a Focus on Fostering Creative and Copyright Based Industries

The overall objective of the proposed project is to establish more effective copyright system in order to promote creative and copyright based industries. The project purpose is to strengthen the administrative capacities of all related institutions, to provide additional support for the judiciary in the copyright field, to raise awareness of stakeholders regarding copyright, the importance and the benefits of an effective IP system for fostering the creative economy and to promote strong coordination between the public institutions and the private sector.

EC funded, Twinning Programme

1.750.000 €

 21 months


Serbia: Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights

The overall project purpose is to improve protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights in Serbia. The project will target issues related to establishing a formalized cooperation mechanism for the institutions involved. Efforts will also be put into aligning the present regulatory framework in order to meet European standards. Capacity building activities targeting officials from the authorities in question will be conducted and efforts will be put into develop and implement awareness raising activities.

EC funded, Twinning Programme

1,3 mio. €

 24 months


Ukraine: Strengthening the Protection and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Ukraine

The overall objective of the proposed project is to strengthen the enforcement of Intellectual property Rights in the Republic of Ukraine, with the aim of reducing the level of piracy of goods protected by intellectual property law. The purpose of this project is to strengthen the administrative capacity and competencies of the State Intellectual Property Service of Ukraine (SIPSU) as well as to propose effective legal measures against counterfeiting and piracy and to ensure effective implementation of the enforcement legislation and sanctions for infringements of intellectual property rights.

EC funded, Twinning Programme

1.500.000 €

 24 months

Kosovo: Strengthening the intellectual property system in Kosovo, Technical Assistance

The overall objective is to contribute to the establishment of market economy through creating a favorable environment for the stakeholders on the Kosovo market and facilitating trade between Kosovo and the EU and regional trading partners.

EC funded, Technical Assistance

1 mio. €

 24 months

Montenegro: Enhancing the protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Montenegro

The overall objective of this project is to enhance the level of protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Montenegro to a level similar to that which exists in the European Union.The purpose of this project is to further align the IPR legislative framework with the relevant parts of the EU'acquis', strengthen the capacities of the actors involved in the sector of intellectual property rights (IPOM and enforcement authorities), and raise awareness in Montenegro of the importance and the benefits of an effective IPR system.

EC funded, Twinning Programme (Twinning Light)


250.000 €

 8 months

Turkey: Technical Assistance for Border Enforcement of IPR for Modernization of Turkish Customs Administration VIII

The purpose of the Project is to strengthen the administrative capacity of Turkish Customs Administration (TCA), raise awareness and increase the level of capacity among key stakeholders in order to enhance border enforcement of IPR within the implementation of the Union Customs Code. 

EC funded, Technical Assistance

1,3 mio. €

18 months 

Vietnam: Twinning Support to the National Vietnamese Office on Industrial Property (NOIP)

The objective was to contribute to sustainable capacity building in case examination within NOIP to ensure future national and global challenges can be met. This was reached through training and study visits.

Danish Foreign Ministry

100.000 €


Armenia: Strengthening the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in the Republic of Armenia

Improve implementation and enforcement of intellectual property rights in the Republic of Armenia. The project will enforce the coordination mechanisms among the involved authorities and an IT based system facilitating exchange of information between the enforcement authorities dealing with IP will be put in place. Legal advice will be provided in relation to revision of the criminal enforcement code with an aim of aligning it to international standards. Capacity building activities targeting the IP active authorities will be conducted and efforts will be put into strengthening the IPA awareness raising activities.

EC funded, Twinning Programme

1,1 mio. €

29 months 

MoldovaSupport to Implementation and enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in the Republic of Moldova

Improve the implementation and enforcement of intellectual property rights in the Republic of Moldova. The project will enforce the coordination mechanisms among the involved authorities and will support the Moldovan Collective Management Organization structure. It will support implementation of a National Registry of Origin, Traditional Specialties Guaranteed and Geographical Indications. It aims at improving the knowledge of IPR enforcement bodies and strengthens AGEPI awareness raising activities. (Lead Partner)

EC funded, Twinning Programme

1 mio. €

24 months 

Croatia: Strengthening the enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights

Improve the enforcement of intellectual and industrial property rights (IPRs) in Croatia, and to align the Croatian IP enforcement to EU rules and practice. The project purpose is to strengthen the administrative capacity of the beneficiary institutions in order to enhance the enforcement of intellectual and industrial property rights in Croatia. (Lead Partner)

EC funded, Twinning Programme

1 mio. €

24 months 

Turkey: Support to the Turkish Police in enforcement of intellectual and industrial property rights

Improve the enforcement of intellectual and industrial property rights (IPRs) in Turkey, and to align it to EU rules and practices. To strengthen administrative and technical capacity of the Turkish Police in the enforcement of intellectual and industrial property rights and to raise awareness of police officers on counterfeiting and piracy and to enhance co-ordination and co-operation with other enforcement bodies and right owner associations. (Lead Partner)

EC funded, Twinning Programme

800.000 €

 18 months

Romania: Strengthening the Romanian institutional capacity of protecting the intellectual and industrial property rights

Strengthening inter-institutional cooperation in the IPR field in Romania. Training the Romanian Police, Border Guards, Customs, ORDA, OSIM, Ministry of Justice and Public Ministry staff; Developing a common IPR database; Developing an awareness campaign. (Lead Partner)

EC funded, Twinning Programme

2 mio. €

 24 months

Poland: Strengthening the protection of intellectual and industrial property rights

Training the Polish Police, Border Guards, Customs, Ministry of Culture and Patent Office staff. Analysing Polish legislation. Developing an IPR database for the Ministry of Finance. Enhancing inter-institutional cooperation in the IPR field in Poland. (Lead Partner)

EC funded, Twinning Programme

1.8 mio. €

22 months 

Malta: Intellectual property awareness, training and enforcement (Twinning Light)

Training in house staff at the Maltese Industrial Property Regulations Directorate on how to develop awareness activities and training modules. Develop a strategy for future cooperation between the IPR active actors on Malta (Commerce Division, Attorney General’s Office, Customs and Police). (Lead Partner)

EC funded, Twinning Programme (Twinning Light)

50.000 €

12 months 

Bulgaria: Developing of national cooperation and information exchange network for protection of intellectual and industrial property rights

Designing and implementing an IP information exchange network for five selected Bulgarian ministries. Project management and provision of short term experts. (Junior Partner)

EC funded, Twinning Programme

850.000 €


18 months